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Olle Bonniér

Tesevs was ordered by the physicist and space researcher Hannes Alfvén, to be included in the multimedia production “Minos Palats” at the opening of the European Space Research Institute, Esro, in 1966. The performance went on tour and was performed at the Modern Museum in 1967 the last time. The sound image in Tesevs is based on nerve signals transformed into images and was performed at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. Some images in Tesevs are translated from sounds, others are shot at Domnarvets ironworks. A collaboration with Concerts Sweden, Swedish Travelling Exhibitions and Esro.

Aspect ratio 1.33:1 (4:3)
Prod. format Generic film
Duration 00:08:00
Language No dialogue
Color Color
Year 1965
Rent this work for public screenings

About the artist

Olle Bonniér

Born 1925 in Los Angeles, US. Painter, sculptor and graphic designer. Olle Bonnier belongs to the abstract art movement in Sweden and discovered its principles both in theory and in his art.