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Red shift at Grandma’s Grammar in Vilnius

Red Shift Gunvor Nelson Grandma's Grammar Sapieha Palace

Grandma's Grammar poster

Gunvor Nelson’s RED SHIFT opens up the Grandma’s Grammar evening on Saturday, March 22th, at Sapieha Palace in Vilnius, Lithuania. The screening is part of the “Moving Images” series and is dedicated to the presence of grandmothers in films. Curated by Inesa Brasiske and Elena Gorfinkel.

Work distributed by Filmform


Gunvor Nelson

1984, 00:50:00

Grandmothers populate the body of non-fiction and experimental cinemas, and Grandma’s Grammar aims to point at the diversity of their appearance in historical and contemporary film practices.

Grandmothers are multiplicitous subjects, archives, and prisms for modes of sodality, solidarity and kinship. They are privileged subjects for the work of testimony, the construction of history, and of the lineage of women’s lived experience. And further the grandmother models alternative modes of perception, of thinking and feeling across alterity and horizons of historical experience.

Grandmothers have long been feminist filmic resources, a way to think laterally across generations, articulating a relationship to past traditions and temporalities, to social rituals, the historicity of gender and of patriarchy’s demands, and the witnessing of historical trauma and oppression. In this the grandmother also operates as a very specific proxy for the thickness and entanglement of any given story of lineage, inheritance, or the bequeathing of storytelling itself. What is narrated by the grandmother? And what does grandmother refuse to narrate? Such questions have long animated feminist historiography and theories of gendered and raced subjectivity, especially as the oral traditions and embodied knowledges transmitted across generations have sustained alternative narrations of history and History.

One of feminist history’s desires, untold, is the desire for the grandmother.

(Revised, expanded extract from Elena Gorfinkel, “Cinema of the Grandmother,” in E. Balsom and H. Peleg eds. Feminist Worldmaking and the Moving Image. MIT Press, 2022.)

The programme features films by Barbara Hammer, Gunvor Nelson, Chiemi Shimada, and Emilija Škarnulytė. Grandma’s Grammar is curated by Elena Gorfinkel, who will present the films in person. The event will be held in English.


Red Shift
Gunvor Nelson / 1984 / Sweden / 50:00

Oscillating between extreme proximity and distance, Red Shift is a film of domestic interiors, tactile details, and mutable intergenerational dynamics. Nelson, daughter Oona, and Oona’s grandmother, Carin Grundel, appear playing family roles. Two other actors represent a “past” of mother-daughter relations. They are tethered in a relay of extreme closeups and long shots: hands grasping and tending, creased flesh, polished silver, windowed views, resonant shards of time and memory, ritual and habit. Along with gnomic proverbs and snatches of banter, Edith Kramer is heard reading excerpts from over two decades of Calamity Jane’s late 19th century letters of regret to an estranged daughter. “The years have slipped by…” In a multivalent work of generational transmission, Jane’s lamentations yoke motherhood’s psychic freight to a vaster temporal horizon.

Optic Nerve
Barbara Hammer / 1985 / USA / 16:00

Emilija Škarnulytė / 2013 / Lithuania / 16:00

Chiemi Shimada / 2019 / Japan, UK / 13:00

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Ulrika Sparre’s film at University of Oldenburg

University of Oldenburg

Ear to the Ground (Wandering Rocks) by Ulrika Sparre will be screened at the University of Oldenburg on Thursday, March 20th. The film is part of the course “Geological Media” (“Medien der Geologie”) held by professor Petra Löffler at the University of Oldenburg.

Work distributed by Filmform

Ear to the Ground (Wandering Rocks)

Ulrika Sparre

2020, 00:09:04

Moons Pool in Zagreb programme celebrating women

25 FPS Association

Gunvor Nelson’s Moons Pool is one five films in “Visions: Loud Echoes”, a programme to showcase as many fantastic female filmmakers. The screenings take place at Kinoteka in Zagreb on Tuesday, March 18th, and is hosted by 25 FPS, a Croatian association for promoting short and experimental films. Curated by Nika Petković.

Work distributed by Filmform


Gunvor Nelson

1973, 00:15:00

Gunvor Nelson programme at SF Cinematheque

San Francisco Cinematheque

SFC Remembering Gunvor Nelson

The avant-garde filmmaker Gunvor Nelson, who recently passed away, is celebrated at San Francisco Cinematheque. The programme “Trace Elements: Remembering Gunvor Nelson” features a selection of works from 1966 to 1998, kindly provided by Filmform and Canyon Cinema.

Works distributed by Filmform



Gunvor Nelson

1998, 00:08:00



Gunvor Nelson

1973, 00:15:00



Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley

1966, 00:15:00



Gunvor Nelson

1969, 00:10:00



Gunvor Nelson

1991, 00:06:00



Gunvor Nelson

1987, 00:28:00

Gunvor Nelson (née Grundel: b. July 28, 1931; d. January 6, 2025) grew up in Kristinehamn, Sweden. Her mother was a teacher and her father was the owner and editor-in-chief of the local newspaper, Kristinehamns-Posten. On leaving school she studied at the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm, but moved to the US and California in 1953 to study art and art history. Nelson met her husband-to-be Robert Nelson when she was studying at the California School of Fine Arts (later known as the San Francisco Art Institute; SFAI). The Nelsons were a vital part of the new film culture that evolved in the San Francisco Bay Area and played a key role in the establishment of Canyon Cinema. Nelson subsequently taught filmmaking at SFAI 1970–1992, moving back to Kristinehamn in 1993. On her return Nelson quickly began working in digital video and was rediscovered in Swedish art circles, resulting in a number of awards and retrospectives both at home and abroad.

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Semesterhemmet at Bergamo Film Meeting

Bergamo Film Meeting 43

Birgitta Jansson’s awarded claymation Semesterhemmet will be screened in the Bergamo Film Meeting 43, which is held in March 8th-16th. The event takes place on the first day of the festival in section “Animation Cinema: AnReal”. Curated by Diana Cardani.

Work distributed by Filmform


Birgitta Jansson

1981, 00:14:00

Gunvor Nelson’s first two films in Paris

Cinédoc Paris Films Coop logo

The US-based Canyon Cinema cooperation is celebrated in Paris by a screening of some of their most influential works, among them Gunvor Nelson’s debut film Schmeerguntz and the subsequent My name is Oona. The event is part of the series “Refle-x-périmental”, organized by the association Cinédoc Paris Films Coop. It takes place on Thursday, February 27th, at the cinema Reflet Médicis, and is curated by Bárbara Janicas.

Works distributed by Filmform



Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley

1966, 00:15:00



Gunvor Nelson

1969, 00:10:00


Gästföreläsning med verk ur Filmform på HK-Valand

Ännu en serie verk från Filmform visas för studenter på HDK-Valand. Visningen ingår i programmet “Materiality and Experimental Aesthetics” och utforskar de teman som Mirka Dujin och Daniel Jewesbury utforskar inför sina kommande utställningar.

Verk ur Filmforms distributionskatalog


Hej natur

Ralph Lundsten

1966, 00:08:00


Graders ökning

Christine Ödlund

2003, 00:04:13


Where the snow-fed Rio del Llano met the edge of the desert

Maria Magnusson

2023, 00:04:56



Martina Hoogland Ivanow

2018, 00:10:40


Studie II/Hallucinationer

Peter Weiss

1952, 00:05:19


I Am Other (Candy & Me)

Conny Karlsson Lundgren & Andy Candy Tsolakidis

2008, 00:10:10


2011 12 30

Leontine Arvidsson

2013, 00:02:53



Gunvor Nelson

1972, 00:10:00

We now continue Materialities of the moving image, a series of film screenings within the framework of the HDK-Valand research cluster Materialities and Experimental Aesthetics.

This time we show more titles from Filmform’s archive, including works by Gunvor Nelson, Maria Magnusson, Peter Weiss and Conny Karlsson Lundgren.

This screening explores themes that Mirka Duijn and Daniel Jewesbury, teachers at HDK-Valand, are developing for upcoming solo exhibitions in Gothenburg.

All students at HDK-Valand are welcome!

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The Good Terrorist in London

3236rls Le Borgeois


Marie Karlberg’s The Good Terrorist is one of the films in “Designoftimes”, a group exhibition of contemporary art at Gallery 3236RLS/Le Bourgeois. It is screened daily during February 25th-March 1st and open to the public. Curated by Jacques Rogers.

Work distributed by Filmform

The Good Terrorist

Marie Karlberg

2021, 01:01:00


Kortfilmsprogram på GIBCA i samarbete med Filmform

GIBCA Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art


Måndagen den 24 februari visas sex filmer från Filmform i ett kortfilmsprogram inför GIBCA – Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art som hålls i november 2025. Röda Sten Konsthall står bakom evenemanget som äger rum på Stadsbiblioteket i Göteborg. Ansvarig är Ellie Engelhem.

Verk ur Filmforms distributionskatalog


Säj något snällt FITTA!

Roxy Farhat

2020, 00:19:26


Twerka för Jemen

Tanja Holm

2023, 00:10:05



Staffan Lamm

2006, 00:09:27


It did happen soon

Annika Eriksson

2012, 00:15:11


I Think of Silences When I Think of You

Jonelle Twum

2023, 00:09:00


The Artist’s Song

Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

2007, 00:04:20

Get off by Elin Magnusson lightens up the night of eroticism in Ljubljana

Kinodvor Mestni kino logo

Kinodvor City Cinema logo

On Valentine’s Day, Elin Magnusson’s first work distributed by Filmform – Get Off – will spice up the night of erotic film at Kinodvor cinema in Ljubljana. The programme “Retrosex” is curated by Maša Peče.

Work distributed by Filmform

Get Off

Elin Magnusson

2009, 00:06:00


I think of silences when I think of you är kursfilm på Stockholms universitet

Stockholms universitet

Filmform at IFFR 2025

Poster: Keyhole Conversation

This upcoming week, a number of Filmform related activities will be taking place at the 2025 edition of International Filmfestival Rotterdam (IFFR).

Together with our international colleagues within the distributor network DINAMO (Distribution Network of Artists’ Moving Image Organizations), Filmform will participate in one of the two joint programmes. A cinema screening and following presentation of DINAMO, its members and the films, will be held at KINO 4 on Friday, January 31th starting 3PM in the programme Embodiment. For this programme Filmform presents the film Acting Woman (2017) by Roxy Farhat. The programme will be introduced by Filmform’s Anna-Karin Larsson and Andreas Bertman.

DINAMO: Embodiment
Friday, January 31th, 3PM. KINO 4, Programme: Embodiment

Acting Woman

Roxy Farhat

2017, 00:05:04

We are excited to share that the film Keyhole Conversation (2025) by Peter Larsson, distributed by Filmform, will have its world premiere at IFFR in the Short & Mid-length section programme (Un)domesticated. Peter Larsson and representatives from Filmform will be present at the premiere night at KINO 3 on Sunday, February 2nd, starting 4.15 PM.

World premiere! Keyhole Conversations
Sunday, February 2nd, 4.15PM. KINO 3, Programme: (Un)domesticated

Keyhole Conversation

Peter Larsson

2025, 00:05:33

3 x Salad Hilowle at the Black Europe Film Festival in Minneapolis, USA

Black Europe Film Festival 2025

BEFF 2025 logo

The Black Europe Film Festival of Minneapolis/Saint Paul, January 30th – February 2nd, 2025, features three works by Salad Hilowle. Sylwan is the director’s latest film and is screened before the opening of the festival as part of a workshop with Salad Hilowle himself on Wednesday, January 29th, at 6:30pm. On the last day of the festival, Erinra and Vanus Labor are screened at 11am and 2pm, respectively. The films are included in two different programmes, and the director participates in the following panel/Q&A in both. Lorenzo Fabbri is the curator.

Works distributed by Filmform



Salad Hilowle

2022, 00:15:20



Salad Hilowle

2015, 00:08:00


Vanus Labor

Salad Hilowle

2021, 00:12:56


Kinchen på Handelshögskolan

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm logotyp

Nästa verk från Filmform att visas inom Art Initiative på Högskolan i Stockholm är Måns Månssons Kinchen från 2005. I en anda av cinéma vérité skildrar filmmakaren sportkommentatorn Lasse Kinch under Hockey-VM i Tjeckien. Curator är Tinni Ernsjöö Rappe.

Verk ur Filmforms distributionskatalog


Måns Månsson

2005, 00:31:47

Filmform at Göteborg Film Festival

Poster: The New Policy Regarding Homeless Asylum Seekers

Filmform is honored that two recent acquisitions from the distribution catalogue will have their world premiere at Göteborg Film Festival this weekend. The New Policy Regarding Homeless Asylum Seekers by Dennis Harvey and Fear Fokol by Tuva Björk on Saturday 25th (12.45PM at Hagabion) respectively Sunday 26th (2PM at Draken). More information on the two films can be found below.

World Premiere!
Saturday, January 25th, 12:45PM, Hagabion

The New Policy Regarding Homeless Asylum Seekers

Dennis Harvey

2025, 00:14:28

Dennis Harvey: The New Policy Regarding Homeless Asylum Seekers (2025, 14:28 min)

The New Policy Regarding Homeless Asylum Seekers is a follow-up to the Swedish Academy award-winning The Building and Burning of a Refugee Camp (IDFA, 2024), which followed Sami, Simon and Hasiballah–three residents of an encampment for homeless asylum seekers which was burned down by a far-right mob in Dublin in 2023. In this film, we make the conscious decision to focus on the volunteer response to the latest policy for homeless asylum seekers, rather than focussing on the asylum seekers themselves. In early 2024, the Irish government ceases to provide accommodation to all asylum seekers for the second time. While funding charities to provide tents to homeless asylum seekers, the government simultaneously orders the authorities to prevent the asylum seekers from pitching these tents.

In the film, we follow Olivia and her small group of predominantly female volunteers, who spend their mornings and evenings on the streets of Dublin helping homeless asylum seekers try to find a safe place to sleep each night. The volunteers and asylum seekers alike face constant harassment from both far-right politicians and the police.

Director: Dennis Harvey
Cinematographer: Dennis Harvey
Producer: Elisabeth Marjanović Cronvall
Graphic designer: August Håkansson
Colorist: Martin Steinberg
Sound design: Thomas Jansson
VFX: Lova Gadd
Distribution: Filmform

World Premiere!
Sunday, January 26th, 2PM, Draken.

Fear Fokol

Tuva Björk

2024, 00:15:00

Tuva Björk: Fear Fool (2025, 14:50 min)

A light kept on to deter makes it hard to see past your reflection. In Fear Fokol, we take a nightly ride into the fears and anxieties of Johannesburg’s wealthy inhabitants by following the work of the private security guards hired to protect them. The illusion of security slowly dissolves as we dig into a fragile climate of inequality, paranoia and masculinity in crisis.

Director: Tuva Björk
Producer: Dennis Harvey
Screenplay: Tuva Björk
Cinematographers: Tuva Björk, Sally Jacobson
Editors: Tuva Björk, Neil Wigardt
Music: Sanele Ngubane
Distribution: Filmform


Gunvor Nelson firas på HDK-Valand i Göteborg


HDK-Valand logotyp

Gunvor Nelsons definitiva genombrott kom med My name is Oona, där hennes dotters röst utgör stommen i filmens experimentella ljudspår. Filmen visades på Bio Valand för knappt ett år sedan och visas nu igen i ett större sammanhang, omgiven av föreläsningar, happeningar och seminarier på Högskolan för konst och design i Göteborg. Evenemanget är curaterat av Daniel Jewesbury.

Verk ur Filmforms distributionskatalog


Gunvor Nelson

1969, 00:10:00


Bokrelease och filmvisning: Five Fabulous Female Filmmakers

Omslag, Five Fabulous Female Filmmakers

Varmt välkommen till Stockholmsreleasen av Maria Magnussons nya bok Five Fabulous Female Filmmakers – Experimental Film and Artist Practice in Conversation with Gunvor Nelson, Lisa Marr, Terra Long, Caroline Monnet and Olga Spiegel. Under evenemanget på Filmform visas även filmen Peace (2024, 3 min) av Maria Magnusson och Lisa Marr. DJ Bruce Leenus väljer musiken under kvällen.

Datum: Tisdagen den 21januari
Tid: Dörrarna öppnas 17.30. Introduktion och samtal om boken inleds 18.00. Musik med Bruce Leenus innan och efter bokpresentationen.
Plats: Filmform, Svarvargatan 2, Stockholm
T-bana: Fridhemsplan

Fri entré, ingen föranmälan krävs.

Maria Magnusson om boken Five Fabulous Female Filmmakers:

2018 träffade jag Gunvor Nelson under några tillfällen i hennes hem och ateljé i Kristinehamn. Vi hade mycket att prata om och dessa möten utmynnade i ett längre samtal om processer och tankar kring konst och experiementfilm. Jag fick då en idé om att bjuda in internationellt verksamma kvinnliga filmare som verkar i denna tradition. Att i dialog be dem att dela med sig av sina tankar i ämnet. Filmskaparna jag har valt, representerar olika generationer men delar en kärlek till det analoga filmformatet och experimentell film. De är alla personer som jag inspirerats av på olika sätt men också mött och samarbetat med. 2013 deltog jag i Independent Imaging Retreat (mer känt som Film Farm) i Mount Forest i Kanada, grundat av Philip Hoffman och Marian McMahon. Där blev jag förälskad i analoga experimentella filmiska processer och mötte Lisa Marr, Terra Long och Caroline Monnet för första gången. Kai Ephron var artist in residence på Konstepidemin 2023 och arbetade med filmprojektet The Wheelbarrow. Han presenterade mig för sin mamma; Olga Spiegel.

Konstnären och den experimentella filmaren Gunvor Nelson är en av de mest inflytelserika kvinnliga filmskaparna inom rörelsen New America Cinema. Hon flyttade till USA redan på 1950-talet och undervisade fram till 1992 i film vid legendariska San Francisco Art Institute och flyttade därefter tillbaka till Sverige där hon bodde fram till sin död 2025. Lisa Marr är en musiker, låtskrivare, filmskapare, fotograf, och utbildare från Vernon, British Columbia, Kanada, medlem av EPFC Collective i Los Angeles och EPFC North i Vancouver. Terra Long är en kanadensisk filmskapare och medlem i Independent Imaging Retreat (The Film Farm) och F4A Collective. Caroline Monnet är en Anishinaabe franskkanadensisk bildkonstnär och filmskapare. Olga Spiegel är en psykedelisk målare och filmskapare. Hon utbildade sig i Europa innan hon etablerade sig som konstnär i New York. Olga Spiegel var en av originalmedlemmarna i Women Artist Filmmakers (WAF 1974-1981 i N.Y.).

Maria Magnusson om filmen Peace:

Peace utgår från ett funnet filmmaterial på Super 8, och är ett samarbete mellan mig och Lisa Marr. Jag bad Lisa att läsa in ordet fred på 17 olika språk: engelska, spanska, franska, tyska, italienska, holländska, svenska, ryska, polska, ungerska, grekiska, turkiska, arabiska, hebreiska, persiska, hindi och urdu. Filmen kan bland annat ses som en kommentar i en tid när fredsröster fått stå tillbaka och upprustning pågår runt om i världen.

Verk ur Filmforms distributionskatalog


Maria Magnusson

2024, 00:03:00


Scented Rooms i Botkyrka konsthall

Scented Rooms 15

Scented Rooms (Shauheen Daneshfar, 2023)

Shauheen Daneshfars Scented Rooms visas i loop i Botkyrka konsthall i den tredje avslutande delen av utställningen “Vi är flöden från alla håll, från alla håll möts vi”, vars titel är ett citat ur själva filmen. Ytterligare två verk från Filmform ingår i utställningen. I den första delen av utställningen 26 oktober – 6 december visades Jinnah Cricket Club av Jesper Nordahl. I den andra, som pågick mellan 7 december 2024 och 17 januari 2025, visades I Think of Silences When I Think of You av Jonelle Twum. Temat för utställningen är behovet av att skapa gemenskaper och tystnader som uppstår ur olika livssituationer; curatorn är Mini Davarasl.

Verk ur Filmforms distributionskatalog

Scented Rooms

Shauheen Daneshfar

2023, 00:30:00

Konstväxlingar programme at Spårvägsmuseet, part II

Stockholm Transport Museum

Spårvägsmuseet logotyp

In addition to Skanstull metro station screening, the Konstväxlingar programme will be mirrored at Spårvägsmuseet in Stockholm. From January 2nd to 9th Petra Lindholm’s Bystanders will be visible at two different places at the same time, on a continuous loop.

Work distributed by Filmform


Petra Lindholm

2020, 00:15:57