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Seaweed Film
Kajsa Dahlberg

Filmed on 16 mm film and developed with seaweed. 28 min 09 s, loop, aspect ratio 4:3, sound, Kajsa Dahlberg 2023. The installation includes a sculptural element in driftwood (see installation image from Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, 2023. Photographer: Jean-Baptiste Béranger)

This film was made as part of the doctoral documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis) Tidal Zones – Filming Between Life and Images (2024), carried out at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. The full research can be found here:

Seaweed Film engages in the cinematic space of the ocean. It considers the historical relationships between seaweed and photography in order to examine the technical intra- activity of human and nonhuman regimes as part of photography itself. Seaweed Film was developed with Bladderwrack, Serrated wrack, Nori, Wrack siphon weed, Sugar kelp, Egg wrack, Oarweed and Tangle, among others. It was recorded and sometimes developed at the following locations: Digermulen, Napp, Svolvær and Kabelvåg in Lofoten; Sørfjorden in Hardanger; Kydalsfossen and Bråstadfossen in Gjøvik; The Bantry Bay in Ireland; The Herbarium at the NTNU University Museum in Trondheim; as well as locations in and around Oslo. The film also includes a filmed fragment from SpongeBob SquarePants and an animation of Eadweard Muybridge’s collotype Two Women Kissing from 1887.

Aspect ratio 1.37:1 (Academy)
Prod. format 16mm
Duration 00:28:09
Language Norwegian & English
Color Color
Sound Stereo
Year 2023
Rent this work for public screenings

About the artist

Kajsa Dahlberg

Kajsa Dahlberg is a visual artist, born 1973 in Gothenburg, currently living in Oslo. Dahlberg’s work is informed by queer life practices – its theories, and affinities and she has worked with a range of mediums including film, video, installations, text, and collaborative projects. For the past few years, she has been engaged with thinking about the apparatus of film as something that is not exclusively the product of human decisions, but also, in part, the product of the activity of agents other than ourselves. This work has partly been conducted within the framework of her Ph.D. Tidal Zones – Filming Between Life and Images (2024), carried out at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Dahlberg received her MFA at The Art Academy in Malmö 1998-2003 and was a studio fellow at the Whitney Program in New York 2007-08. Her work is represented in the collections of Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Malmö Art Museum, Hasselblad Center in Gothenburg, KORO (Kunst i Offentlige Rom) Oslo, and Video-Forum at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, n.b.k, in Berlin. Dahlberg is currently teaching at the Film Arts School in Kabelvåg, in Lofoten, Norway.