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Renslakt vid Krutvattnet/Reindeer slaughter at Lake Krutvattnet
Louise O'Konor

The film documents the slaughtering of reindeer by Norweigan and Swedish Sami (Lapps) on the Lake Krutvattnet in Norway, close to the Swedish border. It records some of the steps involved in the slaughtering of reindeer: drivning the herd to the enclosure, catching and killing them (with a knife or a bolt gun). The all-pervasive theme is the rhythm and movement of the reindeer herd. the mass of animal bodies that, from daybreak to dusk, circle around and around in a continuous cycle. At time slow motion is utilized to capture the gentle rhythm of the reindeer movements: their bodies are in close in harmony with nature, flowing along like water across the countryside. The idea of the film dates back to the years 1956-59 when I worked on archeological excavations in Lapland and the very first time I photographed a reindeer roundup slaughter. What still remains most vivid from this experience is the giddying leap between life and death. -L. O´Konor

Aspect ratio 1.33:1 (4:3)
Prod. format Generic film
Duration 00:06:00
Color BW
Sound Silent
Year 1967
Latest screening Apr 16, 2025
Rent this work for public screenings

About the artist

Born in 1931. Teaches in the department of Theatre and Cinema Arts at the University of Stockholm. Has worked at various museums, including organizing the Children’s Filmstudio at the Museum of Modern Art. Lives in Stockholm.