A body of works by Claes Söderquist will be screened in Berlin, Bruxelles, and London in an upcoming series organized by Walden and Cinema Parenthèse. The programme is curated by Martin Grennberger and Daniel A Swarthnas.
October 5th, 19.00 – Wolf Kino (Studio), Berlin
I frack, 1964
Opus 2, 1965
Le Genie Civil, 1967
Epitaf, 1979
Landskap, 1987
October 7th, 16.00 – Wiels, Bruxelles
Travelog, 1969
Epitaf, 1979
Landskap, 1987
October 9th, TBA – Close-Up Film Centre, London
Travelog, 1969
Epitaf, 1979
Landskap, 1987