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How to rent works from Filmform

Renting works from Filmform is easy and our titles are available for various kinds of screenings. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to preview and order titles in the distribution catalogue.

Browse the catalogue

To find the title(s) you are looking for, use Filmform’s extensive online catalogue. You can browse by artist’s name, title, keywords or run a custom search. If you feel uncertain of what you are looking for or need guidance, please do not hesitate to consult our staff who will be able to assist you with your project. Filmform is one of the oldest archives dedicated solely to experimental film and video art and our members of staff have considerable knowledge in the field.

A majority of the titles in the catalogue are digitized and therefore available for previewing online. Once you have filled out the form below, describing your screening/exhibition/research project, Filmform will instruct you in how to use our online preview service.

Filmform Preview form

Placing an order

When you have identified the title(s) you require, please send us an email with your request to or fill in this Filmform booking form.

Please note that Filmform needs to receive the order three weeks prior to the scheduled screening date. If orders are placed after these deadlines are processed, an additional express charge (15% minimum) will be added to the total price. Once Filmform has confirmed the order, you will receive an email outlining the terms and conditions of the rental, as well as instructions on how to obtain the requested material. You will also be provided with the Filmform logo to include in any promotional material. If requested, we also provide promotional still images with the permission to use in connection to the screening/exhibition. A confirmation of the order by Filmform is required before the requested title(s) is considered available.


Rental costs are listed below. These are standard rates and may vary in some cases. The full amount will go to the artist.

Single screening

Per title:

1–14 min: 1000 SEK
15–29 min: 1500 SEK
30–59 min: 2000 SEK
Over 60 min: 3000 SEK (minimum)

Subsequent screening in the same place: 50% discount per title
Subsequent screening in the same program or context but in another venue: 75% per title

Educational screening

50% discount on all prices listed in the Single screening section above. Some exceptions may apply.

Exhibition (looped installation)

Installation costs will vary depending on the size of the venue, the number of participating artists, and the length of the exhibition. All rates are based on “MU-avtalet”, a national agreement that guarantees artists’ right to compensation. To learn more about “MU-avtalet” and the different rates, please do not hesitate to ask us or see the attached PDFs.

MU-avtalet 2024: Svenska
MU-avtalet 2024: English

For every order, a 10% (minimum) administrative charge as well as a combined file handling and delivery fee of 200 SEK per item will be added.

Shipping cost (preferably by FedEx account) will apply when requesting physical copies. For orders of film prints, an additional print check fee of a minimum of 500 SEK will also be added.

Further charges for consultation, production cost or onsite research fees may be added.

The prices mentioned above do not include VAT. VAT is 6 % for screening fees and 25 % for all other services. Renters in EEC countries must supply their own VAT number with the order or VAT will be added to the bill. No VAT is added for payments from countries outside EEC.


One title scheduled for a single screening: 1000 SEK
VAT (6%): 60 SEK
Administrative charge: 400 SEK (minimum limit)
VAT (25%): 100 SEK
File handling /file delivery fee: 200 SEK
VAT (25%): 50 SEK

TOTAL: 1 810 SEK (including VAT)

Exceptions may apply.

Available formats & delivery

A majority titles in distribution are available digitally. Filmform also offer a selection of rare 16mm and 35mm screening copies of some works.

Most digital files can be delivered through a Dropbox download link. However, screening files that need to be delivered by post such as hard drives, USB sticks and film copies requires insured post or courier service (preferably by FedEx). All shipping charges, including any customs clearance, must be paid by the renter.

Physical screening copies must be returned to Filmform no later than two days after the screening date or exhibition end-date. Digital screening files need to be deleted on all technical equipment immediately after the screening or exhibition date. We encourage you to share any promotional materials, program notes, reviews, or audience feedback with us.


Once your order has been confirmed, Filmform will send an invoice that must be paid before the scheduled screening/exhibition date. The invoice contains all the necessary details for local and international payment and can be sent to you either by email or post depending on your preference. Make sure to transfer the full amount to Filmform’s account, including any bank fees or service charges.

If you have any further enquiries regarding our distribution services, please contact us. For questions related to rates, payment, and orders: anna-karin.larsson[at]