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Kortfilmsprogram på GIBCA i samarbete med Filmform

GIBCA Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art


Måndagen den 24 februari visas sex filmer från Filmform i ett kortfilmsprogram inför GIBCA – Göteborg International Biennal for Contemporary Art som hålls i november 2025. Röda Sten Konsthall står bakom evenemanget som äger rum på Stadsbiblioteket i Göteborg. Ansvarig är Ellie Engelhem.

Verk ur Filmforms distributionskatalog


Säj något snällt FITTA!

Roxy Farhat

2020, 00:19:26


Twerka för Jemen

Tanja Holm

2023, 00:10:05



Staffan Lamm

2006, 00:09:27


It did happen soon

Annika Eriksson

2012, 00:15:11


I Think of Silences When I Think of You

Jonelle Twum

2023, 00:09:00


The Artist’s Song

Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

2007, 00:04:20

Gunvor Nelson’s first two films in Paris

Cinédoc Paris Films Coop logo

The US-based Canyon Cinema cooperation is celebrated in Paris by a screening of some of their most influential works, among them Gunvor Nelson’s debut film Schmeerguntz and the subsequent My name is Oona. The event is part of the series “Refle-x-périmental”, organized by the association Cinédoc Paris Films Coop. It takes place on Thursday, February 27th, at the cinema Reflet Médicis, and is curated by Bárbara Janicas.

Works distributed by Filmform



Gunvor Nelson & Dorothy Wiley

1966, 00:15:00



Gunvor Nelson

1969, 00:10:00

Filmform in collaborative project at Marabouparken

All My Dreams Have Come True

“All My Dreams Have Come True” is a collaboration between Filmform and “Soft Fiction Project”, an artist run initiative from Northern Ireland. The aim of the event is to reflect upon the space of intersections between science and the human essence. The evening on Wednesday, March 26th, commences with Motions of Electrons (1952) by Billy Klüver. After that, the screening of works from Filmform starts with Edy Fong’s Siliconic Superhighway, followed by films by Lina Selander, Katarina Löfström, Lars Stiltberg and Annika Ström, whose All My Dreas Have Come True entitles the whole event. The programme is curated by Edy Fung.

Works distributed by Filmform


Siliconic Superhighway

Edy Fung

2023, 00:17:33


A Void

Katarina Löfström

2013, 00:08:36


Chronos - Kronos

Katarina Löfström

2023, 00:08:20


Visusomatic - Approach

Lars Siltberg

2003, 00:04:05


Visusomatic - Scrutinize

Lars Siltberg

2003, 00:14:45


All My Dreams Have Come True

Annika Ström

2004, 00:01:40

About the programme:

The incipit is the 1950s educational Disney-style animated film by Billy Klüver, where the motion of the electrons is explained for a wider audience. The film was produced as a substitute for Klüver’s doctoral thesis at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm. Animation is further developed in Edy Fung’s speculative visual and sonic fiction concerning silicon-based lifeforms and their evolution. Fung understands silicon not only as a physical material, but as a catalyst to pose ethical and existential questions, such as the role played by our (post)human bodies in a machine-dominated world.

Bringing the spectator back to human scale environments – from the lunar winter landscape of Kiev’s countryside to fossils – Lenin’s Lamp Glows in the Peasant’s Hut by Lina Selander presents multiple layers of narrative, starting from the 1986’s nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Selander explores human life intended as a mechanism of social structures and ideological systems. In contrast, Katarina Löfström’s immersive, hypnotic works A Void and Chronos investigates the physical experiences of space (or lack thereof) and time through colour animation, sound and abstraction. To follow, the black & white Visusomatic – a film by Lars Siltberg shot in a laboratory for physical research – offers methods of intense observation. The film focuses on an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) system used to clear the air in the small chambers in which various tests on substances smaller than air particles take place. The slow, almost-surgical investigation of this technology goes from the macro to the granular, particles becoming pixels.

The programme concludes with Annika Ström’s poetic piece All My Dreams Have Come True, where the repeated trial and error mixes with the warmth and intimacy of personal relationships, perhaps alluding to the limitations and complexities of human nature.

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Konstväxlingar programme at Spårvägsmuseet, part III

Spårvägsmuseet logo

In addition to Skanstull metro station screening, the Konstväxlingar programme will be mirrored at Spårvägsmuseet in Stockholm. From April 1st to 8th, Leo Reis’ Metamorfoser will be visible at two different places at the same time, on a continuous loop.

Works distributed by Filmform


Leo Reis

1961, 00:14:00

Konstväxlingar Skanstull, Part III: Leo Reis

Konstväxlingar på Skanstull

Konstväxlingar på Skanstull

Since 2004 video art accompanies passengers at Skanstull metro station. This spring, Leo Reis’s Metamorfoser will be on display for the Konstväxlingar programme, presented by Ulrika Lublin. The film will be screened on loop from April 1st to June 30th.

Work distributed by Filmform


Leo Reis

1961, 00:14:00

Extensive scope of Swedish avantgarde at Austrian Film Museum

Österreichisches Filmmuseum

Austrian Film Museum logo

Works distributed by Filmform make up most of the two-day screening event “Sweden Images: The Amos Vogel Atlas 20” at the Austrian Film Museum. The programme is dedicated to the recently deceased Gunvor Nelson, who is presented by two films, and Staffan Lamm. Russelltribunalen (2006) by the latter is the newest film in the programme which chronologically streches back as far as to Reinhold Holtermann’s Stockholmsbilder – experiment (1929). Curated by Martin Grennberger and Stefan Ramstedt.

Film programme:
Works distributed by Filmform


Ansikten i skugga

Peter Weiss

1957, 00:13:00



Carl Slättne

1962, 00:04:53


Coca nr 1

Olle Hedman

1979, 00:00:36


En dag i staden

Pontus Hultén & Hans Nordenström

1956, 00:19:00


Förvandla Sverige

Jan Lindqvist & Stefan Jarl

1974, 00:30:00



Gunvor Nelson

1969, 00:16:00


Mass - Monument for a Capitalist Society

Åsa Sjöström

1976, 00:14:00



Anne Robertsson

1967, 00:03:00


Renslakt vid Krutvattnet/Reindeer slaughter at Lake Krutvattnet

Louise O'Konor

1967, 00:06:00



Staffan Lamm

2006, 00:09:27



Peter Nestler

1968, 00:10:00


Study in Optical Rhythm

Björn Lüning

1953, 00:06:00


Travelog – bilder från en resa

Claes Söderquist

1969, 00:30:00


Velocipeden Union

Kjell Johansson

1965, 00:09:00



Pontus Hultén

1954, 00:10:00

What images of Sweden exist beyond the major canonized names whose radiance and international fame have forced all other images to the side, as in so many other countries with small film production histories? This program moves between formal experiments, activist documentaries, and animated films focused on kinetic research, investigating some of these hidden traces, broken narratives, and alternative histories.

The selection includes amateur filmmaker Reinhold Holtermann’s Stockholmsbilder (1930), which can be considered as the first Swedish experimental film due to its imaginative and suggestive camera editing; films made in the context of different movements and groups – such as Arbetsgruppen för film (later Filmform), Svenska Filmligan, and FilmCentrum – and works displaying, in one way or another, connections between Swedish experimental film culture, international avant-garde films, and art.

The program is dedicated to Gunvor Nelson and Staffan Lamm, both of whom recently passed away. They are very different filmmakers: Nelson is the most famous Swedish experimental filmmaker, Lamm a hardly known documentary and essay filmer. Yet, their different aesthetic approaches reflect the breadth of Swedish avant-garde film culture and also encompass the various political methods which are gathered in this program. (Stefan Ramstedt, Martin Grennberger / Translation: Ted Fendt)

With Stefan Ramstedt and Martin Grennberger in attendance.

Amos Vogel (1921–2012), an Austrian-born Jew, became one of the most important figures in international film culture after his emigration to the United States. The Amos Vogel Atlas is a series dedicated continuing Vogel’s oppositional legacy alongside the study of his literary estate, which is deposited in the Film Museum. Rarities from the collection represent key focal points.

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Konstväxlingar programme at Spårvägsmuseet, part IV

Spårvägsmuseet logo

In addition to Skanstull metro station screening, the Konstväxlingar programme will be mirrored at Spårvägsmuseet in Stockholm. From July 1st to 8th, Johan Thurfjell’s The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits will be visible at two different places at the same time, on a continuous loop.

Works distributed by Filmform

The Hour Of Meeting Evil Spirits

Johan Thurfjell

2022, 00:19:45

Konstväxlingar Skanstull, Part IV: Johan Thurfjell

Konstväxlingar på Skanstull

Konstväxlingar på Skanstull

Since 2004 video art accompanies passengers at Skanstull metro station. This summer, Johan Thurfjell’s The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits will be on display for the Konstväxlingar programme, presented by Ulrika Lublin. The film will be screened on loop from July 1st to September 30th.

Work distributed by Filmform

The Hour Of Meeting Evil Spirits

Johan Thurfjell

2022, 00:19:45