Noemi Sjöberg’s artistic core centers on the transformation of reality, the evolving human condition, and the impact of travel. Having worked in diverse locations like Japan, Iran, the United States, Egypt, India, China, and Mongolia, her approach to travel transcends exoticism, fostering a state of mind that sharpens her senses and encourages a closer examination of the world. Her works, showcased at prestigious venues including IFFR Rotterdam, Rooftop Films NYC, Kassel, Flux, Oberhausen, MACRO Roma, Färgfabriken, and La Panera, underscore her global footprint. In 2019, she contributed the permanent piece “Plongeon” to Paris, and in 2021, spent six months in La Réunion, creating two works addressing women and migration.
Noemi Sjöberg
2018, 00:02:55